Tribes transcend bubbles. This idea can be hard to grasp for traditionally minded people. Online or irl. People like to associate themselves with a group, the bubble, if you will. Guess what happens to a bubble when too much pressure forms, lol. Ideas that do not align with the group, or bubble, cause fatal disruption. Doesn't matter how strong walled the group is.
Freethinkers tend to fear tribalism for this reason. And no, im not referring to the anti-religion 'freethinker' philosphy. i mean more of a genereal sense like the phrase, think outside of the box, well replace box with bubble, lol. That old phrase applies to gaining knowledge, finding clarity and even in some cases separating oneself from a tribalist mindset. Can be hard, physically and mentally.
Personally, it was always easy to detach or shed groups and relationships. Could just be the autism, lol. But for many people it's not easy to reimagine their perspective on tribalism. People make excuses as to why they choose to become bubble heads; race, gender, location, sexual orientation and etc etc. Irrespective to what someone may believe religiously, we have free will and the ambition to act upon it. Feels paradoxical when we are challenged in life, like... what was i supposed to do... I've heard that a lot and im sure you have too.
As a freethinker you realize in time that people do what they want, regardless of thier excuses or outward logic to do so. Rarely do we meet people that are frank enough to just admit it, that they do what they want etc etc... In this realization, you may find that all you can do is be loyal, sincere or genuine in how you go about relationships with people or groups. Nothing you can do if someone else is the polar opposite of you or your values. So what am i getting at? idk lol... But in a schizo kinda way freethinkers are able to find agency with like minded people, yet are able to remain individuals. Like in the macro but apart from the micro, type shid...
Think of a Republican dude residing in an Democrat neighbor block. Or, imagine loving someone from a group that you are told to hate all your life, ironically by other people you love. Thinking outside the/your box can be dangerous for some of us, no doubt. This is bibilical, or depending on your faith/idealism, it goes way back. Even for cult members, independent thought is usually met with grave consequences. The burden of free thought is to be the black sheep, the outcast, or even the martry. This divide is why many people will just go with the flow in life, which varies vastly among different groups of people.
The older i become i find that it can be an honor to have the courage to be different. And the unexpected agency i've found with other freethinkers is a blessing. Connecting, even if at a vast distance, with people that move to their own rythm, or flow. Traditionalists would probably just assume the worst of anything not deemed normal. Forexample, no full-time job, no spouse, no kids... not even a relationship, but this dude or that chick really loves art and finance. Yet thats partially the beauty of it, or perhaps just the autism typing. Not being normal by societal tribal standards however still accepted by people that hold similar values globally. Definitely autism typing meow...
Imagine if we all listened to the boomers that said don't associate with [insert group here]... think of all the music, beauty, knowledge, literature and art that would have never existed or been shared. Think of all the love, lost... Music is big on this as you may know, an art form that has the ability to make people move. The right vibes and frequency will make people of all creeds and cultures dance or move something in harmony. Think of all the artists that were/are freethinkers and were not afraid to mix subgenres or play where they were not invited [or welcomed].
im not here to rewire your way of thinking, more so a nod to those that can see through the veil of control that is traditional tribalism. And if you're ready for change, look to what is fun, like genuinely. If you find something fun or funny and the vibes are to your liking, then roll with it. Who cares if the people are cringe, act weird, or whatever the outwardly affliction, lol. i've learned that you don't have to be with someone to be with someone [or something], if that makes sense. Loyal from a far but not bound by a set group hierarchy or rule set, type shidd. <33